Unraveling the Mystery: Do Muslims Celebrate Birthdays? In the diverse tapestry of human cultures, birthdays stand out as universal...
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10 days of dhul hijjah
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Surah Yaseen English
Surah Yaseen English 36:1 Yā Sīn 36:2 By the Qur’ān, that is full of wisdom, 36:3 You are truly one of the...
Themes and Messages of the Quran
Themes and Messages of the Quran The Quran, the central religious text of Islam, is revered by Muslims as the word of God...
Understanding the Power of Dua
Understanding the Power of Dua In the vast realm of Islamic spirituality, the concept of dua holds a position of profound...
The Six 6 Kalma
Significance of the Six Kalma in Islamic belief 6 Kalma BASICS OF FAITH 1. Pehla 1st Kalimah Tayyibah (Purity) The First...
20 Daily Duas
20 Daily Duas Daily Duas : In Islamic terminology dua is the act of supplication. It is calling out to God; it is a...